You must add The Berry Pickers by Amanda Peters to your Maine book list!!! Have fun in Vacationland, it’s one of my favorite places - so much so that I’m moving there! 🌲

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It's on my TBR, Jessica - thank you for the reminder to actually read it soon! Now, tell me MORE about this move!! Where are you moving to? I want to know everything! Also, thanks a million for the Mainely Custard recommendation - we went there on Saturday and absolutely loved it! I definitely never would have found it without your recommendation :-)

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Have so much fun! I know the weather isn’t cooperating this weekend, but I look forward to hearing what adventures you all get up to!

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Oh my goodness, Michelle - I am SO grateful to you for your recommendations! We had the most delightful day on Friday doing the puffin cruise and the botanical gardens and shopping in Boothbay Harbor and then we drove up to see Pemaquid Point Lighthouse and to play on Pemaquid Beach. It was absolutely the best, very very very full day :-) We ended up in LL Bean three times (ha!) since we were so close by, and made it to Portland Head Lighthouse after the most amazing day at Crescent Beach State Park and a stop at Two Lights State Park and seeing the lighthouses near there. I'm so grateful to you for your time in giving me ideas - the kids finally were like, "Mom, who is this Michelle you keep talking about all the time?" HA! We did other things too, but those were the standouts, all thanks to you!

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Katy, I am so, so happy to hear this! It sounds like you all had the best time and got to see so much!! 🤍🤍

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I love a theme book list AND a packing list. This post hits two of my favorite things. Have a wonderful trip!

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I'm so happy you enjoyed this newsletter!! We did have a delightful trip :-)

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I love you and your adventures and all the things you convince me to do 😉 ❤️

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Let's do moooooooooorrrrrrreeeeeee......

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I love dressing up on occasion but I completely agree that this is the ideal type of trip to pack for! Thanks for taking us along!

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Katy! Thank you so much! Just seeing this wonderful set of shout-outs now! But perhaps that's for the best as I now get to ask: what adventures did you pursue this weekend?! Thanks so much again!

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Chelsea - I loved your book SO MUCH! I read the majority of it on my flight there and it was such an inspiration :-) Now I need to go back to go to all the amazing places you recommend! Our favorite things on this trip were the puffin Audobon cruise from Boothbay Harbor, the botanical gardens, Pemaquid Point Lighthouse and Pemaquid Beach and Crescent Beach State Park. What an absolute gem of a beach and park - we were in heaven!

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Oh, that means so much! Thank you! And what a great set of adventures for your trip - with two of my favorite beaches! Next time you visit, send me a message and I'll share the ultimate hack/perk when visiting Crescent Beach :)

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Will do!! I can’t wait to return :-)

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