your summer outfits are on point imho! comfort is the name of the game!

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My sensitivity to textures and literally anything on my waist has gotten more and more pronounced over the years ~ I'm just now leaning in to what my body wants ♡

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wow well definitely lean in to that then!!

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I saw Inside Out 2 this week and my heart melted! So good. Also, I laughed at the comment about living in a windstorm of AC and fans because that was us is this week! We don’t have central air and were running an elaborate system to keep our second floor apartment cool during the heatwave, but it was like liking inside a white noise machine for 48 hours 😂

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Michelle!! You might be the first person I've ever met who also doesn't have A/C and lives in the white noise machine - ha! My sister doesn't have air, but doesn't run fans so just has quiet sweating. We have two staircases in our house, so we use a huge fan at the bottom of the dining room stairs and two more in the upstairs hallway and our bedroom to try to circulate. I totally correlate the cooling of temps with ...... quiet. I'm so happy you loved Inside Out 2 as well - such a special story!

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Jun 22Liked by Katy O.

What is it about getting older and internal temperatures going wonky?? We need central air down in Houston; I can’t imagine life without it!! My quick fix is ice packs around my neck! Thanks as always for the book recs! 💕

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I think maybe in this day and age we also need central air in Wisconsin, but are resistant to the fact? Also, retrofitting this house would be a beast of a project and cost - yikes! We like to pretend it's cold here and act surprised every single damn year when it's a million degrees and humid for months on end!

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I knew pregnancy could affect your internal thermostat but I also didn’t know when in the throes of PPD after my oldest was born that some of the most coming SSRI’s and SNRI’s also can make you intolerant of the heat. It wasn’t until I complained about it during a med check and the NP told me that. I had been on SSRI’s in my early 20’s and didn’t even know that information then.

Related to the comfy clothes; thanks for sharing the gauze shorts. I’ve been wondering how those are. I bought the high waisted power soft shorts and they’ve been my favorite this summer.

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I’m so glad you finally learned that about SSRI’s and SNRI’s, Kel! I think my hormones are currently on the train to bonkers town due to perimenopause and I guess it’s just time to lean into sweating?!

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Oh man, that’s rough and uncomfortable. Good thing you have clothes that you find comfortable.

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Jun 22Liked by Katy O.

Loooooved INSIDE OUT 2! We just saw it yesterday and I fully cried because anxiety was SO REAL. But also yes, I’m also now visualizing all my emotions as they try to help me quiet my anxiety. ALSO the BELIEFS!! Whew! The way anxiety impacts what we believe about ourselves 🥹🥹🥹 it was such a wonderful movie.

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Aw, thanks for the shoutout (and the incredibly not-a-librarian compliment!)

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My 7 yo kid and niece plus 5 yo all picked the anxiety spiral as their favorite scene in Inside Out 2! I think I still loved it more than them. Our AC broke in August of 2017 and we used window units until May 2020 before my husband finally fixed the AC after I told him I was tired of the permanent white noise in our house and our kids’ room couldn’t have a window unit so it was crowded by the portable AC. But we definitely didn’t need our white noise machines those summers!

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I think many adults are feeling the same way about Inside Out 2 - maybe it was really made for US! Regarding white noise, I never slept with a fan on until after my first summer in this house 20 years ago - ever since I have required the noise of a fan on at high speed to be able to sleep ;-)

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I LOVE those target tanks. Let's go to a super sketchy Target the next time we're together, OK?? Also - Inside Out 2. YES! We saw it on Friday and I'm still processing. Loved it.

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The Target we went to on the way to see Glennon that time wins the prize so far, but I *KNOW* we can do better - ha! As for Inside Out 2 - I knew you would!

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Totally feeling you about the heat… we came home from a vacation yesterday to discover that our apartment was 90 billion degrees and one of our 3 window ACs was broken 🥵. As for wardrobe, I am in my Too Middle Aged To Care How My Legs Look era and have started wearing shorts in public, although not to my kids’ school because I don’t want their education to suffer for my sartorial sins.

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Oh no about the window ACs!! So not fun to have to deal with or replace :-( As for the shorts - HA! Also, same - everyone can just see all my middle aged glory legs because I'm definitely now too cool / old to care!

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I relate so much to your summer clothing choices. I am currently embracing the super light weight maxi dresses / mumus. If I leave the house, I add a sports bra and moisture-wicking bike shorts underneath. I have gotten super heat sensitive over the last few years so the name of the game is stay cool at all costs!

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Amen to the mumus and moisture wicking bike shorts, Rhiannon! That's my other work outfit of choice in the heat. I may resort to one of those little battery operated fans to carry around with me soon - ha!

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I have a rechargeable one that wraps around my neck. I use it if I’m going to be at any outdoor events or when I’m flying. Airplanes get so hot during boarding!

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