Welcome to The Mindful Librarian!
I’m Katy ~ reader, maker, mom, wife, entrepreneur, educator, librarian, innovator, disrupter, reader, writer, thinker, walker, paddler and napper. I read all the books and would love to go for a walk or have coffee with you all ~ but until then, I offer you this newsletter ~ let’s think and share together!
Free subscribers to my newsletter will receive my publication every Saturday morning ~ these are missives filled with book recommendations, links, travel tidbits, and general musings on life.
Should you choose to upgrade and support my work via a paid subscription, you will receive additional exclusive content during the week, digital downloads and even more bookish goodness. I love curating for my supporters, and can’t wait to offer you my library brain!
If you aren’t already connected to me on Goodreads, I would love to see you there as well!